
Sleepless nights and restless days
Nothing is enough to take the pain
It pushes, it pulls, it gnaws, it bites,
No job or task can set things right
It goes in and out from dusk til dawn
Every memory is relived with every song
All lyrics scream your name with fury
Every word contains some hidden memory
You plague me within my own mind
With no regards to place or time
Yet I miss you not within these thoughts
Instead I feel relief, and if I am distraught
It's only because I never could see
All the things you did to scathe me
It was more then just the who and the how,
The where and the when mean nothing now,
The why doesn't bug me, the act doesn't burn
It's the words that attack me at every turn.
It's the screaming and yelling I'll never forget
The pain that I felt with every hit.
It's your face so cold, and your eyes so dead
That haunt me at night and fill me with dread
It's the sound of death that came from your lips
Echoed in deed by your fingertips
It's the lies that surround me, won't leave me alone
That make me remember I don't have a home
It's the contempt in your voice that I hear every night
When you told me that nothing had ever been right
And that we were over, done with, and through
That my lack of a home is what kept me with you
It's the look on your face as you told me goodbye
And how I left somehow unable to cry
It was the fury in your eyes that had killed me in the end
Not the fact that I had just lost my best friend
The pain went away the insant it came
With the realization that love is a game.
I lost it, who won it? You say it wasn't you
Is it possible that you could have lost too?
Is there even a way to win when hearts are on the line?
Is there a way we can just turn back the time?
Can time erase these memories of you?
With hate in your eyes and emptiness too?
Is there a cure for a broken heart?
When memories invade to keep it apart?
Should I keep trying to forget or should I go back?
Try to fix what is broken with tools we both lack?
I look in the future with empty eyes
Knowing, remembering, that death comes to he who cries
I'll try this road one time alone,
I'll only come back when I make my own home,
And then, maybe then, when I try and I try
I will no longer be tormented by sleepless nights.

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