
I feel the dread take me
As I walk down the ghastly road
Darkness covers me
I feel so afraid and alone
A voice calls out in anger
I know it is no friend
I sense the pending danger
And turn around to find it's them
He looks at me with dead eyes
And I feel my heart stop in my chest
He pulls a gun and presses it to my spine
I start walking forward at his unspoken request
In front of me another gun
This one pointed at my heart
He growls at me "don't try to run"
And fear threatens to tear me apart
I walk until the pressure fades
And they both stand in front of me
Before I even see their face
A hand flies out to strike at me
The gun still clenched between closed hands
Hits my face with so much force
I lose the will and strength to stand
And hit the ground, so hard and coarse
"Bitch" he says, anger in his voice
"You rat, you're lucky you aren't dead"
I say with earnest, "like I had a choice!"
And he strikes me once more in the head
I feel the blood stream down my face
And I hold back the tears
"Fuck it, you're a damn disgrace"
I hear through my ringing ears
The guns both click and I try to rise
Terror grips my heart and freezes up my mind
Something had gone wrong, tears lined my eyes
All I had wanted was to severe my ties
I lift my face and see them
Illuminated by the moonlight
Both have eyes as dark as sin
And hate filled smiles full of spite
I try to move but go too slow
The triggers snap and I grow cold
All this time I should have known
That before I won I'd be made to fold
The bullets travel like they're stuck in time
I feel the pain as they eat into my skin
Burning seizes me, body and mind
And I know at once this is the end
Its like their guns go on forever
The fire in me burning fiercely
Blood flows through my clutching fingers
And the world feels so cold around me
The lead within me stills my heart
But still my mind feels the pain
I hear their footsteps as they depart
And the world feels so far away
Tears release from my eyes
The burning starts to fade
I say a prayer to God on high
And darkness starts to invade
I want to hang on but just let go
The pain is too immense
My heart gives out, my blood so cold
And the world ceases to exist
I look at myself lying there
See the shells lying on the ground
Fifteen casings, blood everywhere
Yet no one had heard a sound
I wanted to cry but I could not
I had no emotion and no feeling
I walked away with a lighter heart
My fearful thoughts no longer reeling
In the end I had won
They had no control over me
And even though my life was done
They finally had to leave me be
A light brightened up the sky
And I felt myself come off the ground
I slowly opened up one eye
Startled by a strange whirring sound
A fan above me spun round and round
Below me was soft and warm and smooth
What had once been the cold hard ground
Was now a bed in my bedroom
I could still feel the pain within my chest
And hear the shooting of the guns
I looked down at my hands in earnest
Wondering what had happened
Then it came back like a flash
That had never been me
It was Her that endured the pain so vast
It was her chest they made bleed
I felt tears in my eyes but they did not fall
I made myself cold and hard to feeling
With a sigh I laid back, staring at the wall
Both relieved and disappointed I'd been dreaming

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